For 5 years now, BNP Paribas organize a contest for entrepreneurs. From thousands of candidates each year, the French bank select only 14 laureate, who will be able to benefit from an advertisement campaign. The objective is to promote young entrepreneurs with their new innovative and environmentally-friendly projects.


"Ma Pub Ici 2017" with 
BNP Paribas

Amaury Masbernat - AMW

they talk about us

For 5 years now, BNP Paribas organize a contest for entrepreneurs. From thousands of candidates each year, the French bank select only 14 laureate, who will be able to benefit from an advertisement campaign. The objective is to promote young entrepreneurs with their new innovative and environmentally-friendly projects.

In 2017, the CEO and founder « Amaury MASBERNAT » was chosen to participate between the 14 best entrepreneur ideas in France. As a reward, he was featured in a poster which represents and describes his business with originality. During that year it was advertised in many branch offices around the country. 

If you want to know more about it, we invite you to watch the full interview made by the newspaper « La Tribune », just click on the button below.  You will find out his story, his vision and why he decided to open this firm.